This year, after October 7 and the inconclusive results of the last seven months of fighting, the situation is much more ...
With God’s grace, Jewish-Christian relations have evolved in positive and productive ways over the past 60 years, thanks, in ...
In a quiet part of Jerusalem there once lived an elderly woman named Brigitte Ringer-Nenner, who had good reason to believe ...
Fulfilling his duties in Gaza and as a student, the dedicated Berkowitz carried around a pocket-sized Mishna Sedora which he ...
Only in the world of the absurd can the majority of the international community deliberately ignore the openly genocidal ...
Former Mossad Chief Yossi Cohen criticizes Biden's delay in military aid to Israel, emphasizing the need for freedom to ...
It is imperative that we, as a society, stand in solidarity with the Jewish community and unequivocally condemn antisemitism ...
Toyota halts sales of Corolla and C-HR from Turkey. Importers sought alternative ports but must comply with Erdogan's boycott ...
The Ford Focus, part of Ford's European lineup, will cease production by 2025 as part of the company's reduction in passenger ...
To survive in this region, Israel needs to win this war convincingly -- its enemies need to see a massive victory to be ...
We must remember that we remain a nation that deserves to take pride in its achievements and people and that, with God’s ...
Omry, a fallen reservist, is remembered by family, friends, and fellow soldiers as a hero dedicated to any mission.