Destiny Cardona's bond increased to $75,000 for allegedly threatening a witness following her involvement in a dog attack ...
Austin's plan to delay the I-35 expansion for environmental studies was rejected by CAMPO despite air quality concerns.
The Plymouth Fire Department is recruiting part-time/on-call firefighters with flexible hours to suit various backgrounds.
Study shows New York is the most expensive city for concert trips, while Lexington and Cleveland offer lower costs.
Yoshua Figueroa, 30, is charged with robbery and kidnapping; his alleged accomplice is sought by Houston Police.
Bellevue Essential's fall civic engagement class invites locals for government insights, with classes starting Sept. 11.
An unidentified suspect fired at a car and stole items on Roswell Avenue, Long Beach; police are investigating with no ...
The Pinal County Sheriff's Office focuses on enforcing seat belt laws with a $5,000 grant from the Arizona Governor's Office.
East Portland hosts its first Sunday Parkways event with a 3.3-mile route for cyclists and community activities.
Nashville's mayor presented a vision for the city, including infrastructure upgrades, a living wage for city workers, and a ...
Police issue warrant for Maria Perez after she and her three sons go missing following their guardian's death.
Harvard endowment chief Narv Narvekar's pay was cut by 6.9% to $6.19 million after a subpar endowment performance.