A new book argues that many of us are stuck in old, unhelpful patterns—but we can improve our lives by finding our intuition ...
Twenty years ago, I helped to lead a major college protest responding to a series of hate crimes and hate-related incidents ...
A new book illustrates how rituals can improve our lives and relationships, and how to create and recognize your own rituals.
There are many ways that nature, particularly biodiversity, can benefit mental health.
If activism makes you feel stressed or hopeless at times, caring for and supporting yourself with kindness may help.
Here's how one teacher has tried to help students envision better outcomes for everyone, a skill researchers call "moral ...
The practice of public shaming has been around for a long time—because, under the right conditions, it serves a purpose in a democracy. We learn techniques for working across the aisle without ...
When Ellen Galinsky was trying to come up with a title for her massive research project and book about adolescence, The Breakthrough Years seemed fitting. After all, adolescence is a true ...
When people on opposing sides of abortion talk, it helps build respect, understanding, and bridges to policy change.