Discover how to enjoy a healthy relationship with someone you're dating independent of that person’s past betrayal trauma.
Can ketamine-assisted couple therapy help your relationship? Here’s what to expect from this exciting new treatment.
Big T traumas are major life events causing immediate distress. Little T traumas are chronic stressors with cumulative impact ...
Family trauma, stemming from experiences such as abuse, neglect, addiction, or mental illness, can have lasting impact on ...
Psychologists tell us people have different ways of learning. For some of us reading is difficult, and even sitting still and ...
Today’s adults are resisting cultural pressures to have children and to get married if that’s not what they want to do. Their ...
Pundits and politicians ought to remember that fertility outcomes are the byproduct of individuals' fertility intentions and ...
Most scientists affirm that all animals are sentient (in the sense of feeling pain), while some restrict it to only animals ...
In her book 'Matrescence,' Lucy Jones leads the way in telling women what had often been unspoken about labor and delivery.
While most of us will never compete for a medal, we can learn a lot from the individuals who push themselves to the highest ...
Detective Lindsey Wade has learned the value of grit during her investigations of killers and sex offenders. She has some ...
Familiarity with a language's slang, euphemisms, and idioms is also important. This has been a record year for Americans ...