Our tradition, especially our holiday tradition as preserved in Torah portion Emor, is a gift of the ancestors down to you, ...
Julia and Leon Obermayer hosted their first seder in Philadelphia in 1924, soon after they were married. Prohibition was in effect, Calvin Coolidge was president, and Paris was preparing to host the ...
In 2024, Passover Seder, or Pesach in Hebrew, started at nightfall on April 22, and will end on the evening of April 29, or April 30, — depending on where it is celebrated. This year’s ...
Naomi Klein on why Jews should embrace their radical heritage and leave behind Zionism’s false promise of safety at the ...
The anti-Haggadot and anti-seders claimed to create "collective Jewishness beyond Zionism," which is nothing but the ...
Passover is a ceremonious occasion to rejoice in Judaism, especially during the first family meal or Seder, according to britannica.com. Foods of symbolic significance are consumed, while prayers ...
Grab the seder plate and start prepping the matzo, the eight-day celebration of Passover, or Pesach, starts this Monday. The major Jewish holiday happens during the month of Nisan on the Hebrew ...
Seder means “order” in Hebrew, and that should be the first clue that this traditional Passover meal has very special significance. Passover (Pesach in Hebrew) is an annual holiday marking the ...
Please contact us in case of abuse. In case of abuse, As world Jewry gathers this Passover at their Seder’s, there will be a new question they will ask during the Mah Nistanah: Why does this ...
Passover is a ceremonious occasion to rejoice in Judaism, especially during the first family meal or Seder, according to britannica.com. Foods of symbolic significance are consumed, while prayers ...