Oracle Corp., the American software company, will be building its world headquarters in Nashville. The company's move to Music City has been years in the making. In 2021, Metro Council members ...
Oracle just moved from Silicon Valley to Austin, Texas, in 2020. Larry Ellison says it's moving to Nashville to be close to ...
Oracle Corp. co-founder Larry Ellison revealed Tuesday that the software giant's long-term plan for its 70-acre property on Nashville's downtown riverfront is for a "world headquarters." ...
Having already cemented a massive economic development deal, Oracle CEO Larry Ellison made history in Nashville on Tuesday. First, Oracle Corp. chairman and co-founder Larry Ellison delivered the ...
What can Nashvillians expect from the new Nissan Stadium and the East Bank neighborhood? Here's what similar recent projects ...
Oracle's future headquarters in Nashville, Tennessee, could operate like a town of its own, given the planned amenities described by CEO and co-founder Larry Ellison. When the chief executive let ...
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Oracle Corp.'s planned campus in Nashville, Tennessee, will serve as the business software giant's world headquarters, placing it in a city that's a center for the U.S. health ...
Oracle founder Larry Ellison announced Tuesday that he plans to move the software giant’s corporate headquarters to Nashville, Tennessee, which he added is at the center of the healthcare industry.
"It's the center of our future," the billionaire said. Oracle Corp. co-founder and Chairman Larry Ellison has indicated that Nashville, not Austin, will be the company's headquarters in the future.