B ad actors are using malware disguised as credible software (such as 1Password, Bartender 5, and Pixelmator Pro) to infect ...
Researchers at Recorded Future's Insikt Group have discovered an extensive and multi-faceted campaign that exploits trusted ...
GitHub has addressed vexing outages, including recent days-long email delivery problems that had developers raging on social ...
A multi-faceted campaign is targeting Android, macOS, and Windows users with various stealer malware and banking trojans.
GitHub on Tuesday announced that Copilot Chat, its AI chat interface for asking coding-related questions and code generation, ...
Since leveraging generative AI breakthroughs to introduce the original 'AI pair programmer' called GitHub Copilot, the ...
GitHub Artifact Attestations, based on Sigstore, signs and verifies the integrity of software artifacts in GitHub Actions ...
GitHub wants Copilot, its code completion platform powered by GPT-4, present throughout the lifecycle of development, including the very beginning of a coding project. The company is announcing ...
GitHub has released two features to improve the security and resilience of repositories. The first feature allows Dependabot to run as a GitHub Actions workflow using hosted and self-hosted runners.
Nintendo sent a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) notice for over 8,000 GitHub repositories hosting code from the Yuzu Switch emulator, which the Zelda maker previously described as enabling ...
Delve into the delicate equilibrium between efficiency and creativity with an examination of the repercussions of over-reliance on GitHub Copilot.
Discover how Product Owners leverage GitHub Copilot for seamless communication and efficient creation of product backlog ...