An artificial sweetener used in candy, cakes and cookies has been shown to cause significant gut cell damage in laboratory ...
An artificial sweetener called neotame can cause significant harm to the gut, my colleagues and I discovered . It does this ...
Neotame is an artificial sweetener that's significantly sweeter than sugar, often used as a sugar substitute in various food ...
Neotame, a new artificial sweetener, harms gut health by damaging bacteria and epithelial cells, raising risks for diseases ...
The biggest question, probably, is that even though artificial sweeteners offer a solution for calorie trackers, are they ...
Neotame, an artificial sweetener used in cakes, drinks and chewing gums, can disturb the balance of healthy gut bacteria, ...
Neotame, an artificial sweetener, can harm the intestinal epithelium both directly, by causing epithelial cell death, and ...
In normal quantities, saccharin is not fatal, but high quantities, especially more than five grams a day would be very fatal.