If you're bored of adding the same plants to your garden every year, discover some new and unique types of plants that you ...
When you’re faced with a garden that sees more shadows than sunlight, it might feel like your options for vibrant blooms and ...
Let some suckers grow and have a multi-trunked plant over time. How does it bloom on the older wood? Q:  Am I being too brave ...
With the arrival of spring in North America, many people are gravitating to the gardening and landscaping section of home ...
Look for summer flowering perennials such as delphiniums, dahlias and salvias. Some annuals are hardy enough to go directly ...
Garden centres are in full bloom, brimming with plants that visually shout "pick me" as you browse. After the greyness of ...
Most vegetables grown in home gardens are annuals. They wither and die at the end of the season and need to be replanted every year to reap more crops. But if you’re short on time or money ...
2024 brings new annuals and perennials that will make any plant lover bloom from ear to ear. These are some of the standouts. Superbissima Wine Red from Cerny Seed is not your grandmother’s ...
The 19th annual plant sale is scheduled for May 4 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the Sandusky County Fairgrounds. It is ...
My grandfather always advised waiting until June to see if a plant would do anything – ie return The other option is to sow hardy annuals: seeds that will grow into flowers by the summer.
The sale includes a beautiful selection of roses, hibiscus, bedding annuals, hydrangeas, perennials, shrubs, hanging baskets ...