Unless the global landscape suddenly shifts, Mr. Trump would return to the Oval Office facing the sorts of foreign crises — ...
And it’s becoming clearer that among the many delectable choices on offer to the American people this fall is this one: How ...
Biden’s seeming inability to control the turmoil, or project any semblance of strong American leadership is turning into a ...
If re-elected, would Donald Trump end U.S. support for Ukraine? He certainly sounds as if he would. On the campaign trail, he ...
If Donald Trump wins in November, expect even greater strain on American institutions. But he’s unlikely to be an “imperial ...
I look at what the presidential contenders are saying about foreign policy. This Week: Donald Trump gave his most detailed ...
What possible calculation could move an American President to choose Hamas terrorists and their Iranian masters over our key ...
For instance, when you had Afghanistan ... on the fairness of an election.” Trump has long championed an “America First” approach to foreign policy. But Republicans in Congress have ...
Donald Trump was "very determined" on the withdrawal of the US troops from Afghanistan, "whether it happened as part ...
The 45th president starts making the case for his foreign policy chops as Israel begins its attack on Rafah and Biden denies ...
Notably absent from concerns about a second Trump presidency is the discussion of the successes of his first presidency.
After a grueling week in a Manhattan criminal courtroom, Donald Trump received a well-timed boost from a fervent and loyal ...