The anti-dumping measure follows President Joe Biden's tariff hikes on $18 billion worth of Chinese goods across a spectrum ...
The obvious answer is: fighting back against China. With Washington coalescing around the idea of Cold War-esque competition ...
The president is trying a targeted approach, with allies, to beat Beijing in the race to own the clean energy future. Those ...
The US-China trade war will likely continue with either a new Trump administration or a continued Biden Administration. What ...
The new tariffs on Chinese goods are the latest salvo in what analysts see as a trade war that could last for years. That ...
The Biden administration’s steep new tariffs are a rational response to Xi Jinping’s aggressive economic policies.
The White House said Chinese goods worth $18 billion will be covered by the tariff hikes, which are “carefully targeted at ...
The desire to disentangle the US from dependency on China is bipartisan. Biden’s clean tech tariffs are only one piece of the ...
Trump Trump to save his electric-car dreams.
US President Joe Biden has quadrupled tariffs on electric vehicles from China to 100%, effectively sealing off one of the ...
The White House has imposed $18 billion in new duties on Chinese imports, but it’s unclear how much that will help his ...
China’s inter-regional rivalries and US inter-party politics are colliding in the fight for global electric vehicle dominance ...