Researchers used seven instruments including radar, laser, optical, neutron spectrometer, ultraviolet spectrometer, and ...
Flaring stars, black hole outbursts and gamma-rays are just some of the cosmic exotica that Einstein Probe will hunt for.
These emissions typically come from regions in space where gravity is pulling in matter, leading to the formation of ...
A new study will improve the detection of gravitational waves—ripples in space and time. Scientists at the University of ...
Ten years ago, Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO) flipped the switch on its global network of robotic telescopes. The ...
The nuclear force that holds quarks together is explained by a theory called quantum chromodynamics. It predicts that at ...
A new imaging technique, which captured frozen lithium atoms transforming into quantum waves, could be used to probe some of ...
Discovering new black holes is no easy feat — where do you even begin to look? New data and techniques help us get closer ...
Dark matter has been around the universe since the beginning of time, pulling stars and galaxies together. Invisible and ...
The Antennae Galaxies are filled with black holes and neutron stars speeding up the evolution of stars. This beautiful barred spiral galaxy is very active - three supernovae have been observed since ...
Astronomers still don’t know what causes fast radio bursts, but they’re starting to use them to illuminate the space between ...