It might feel like everyone in the world is connected to the internet 24/7, but there are plenty of situations where connecting to the web ...
Here is featuring the best Alex Garland movies and TV shows that have made him one of the finest sci-fi directors in ...
The first, says stunt performer Ben Jenkin, is not to breathe in a flame. That would be bad. Jenkin was reminded of that over ...
It came to be in 1999 when I was five years old, and my dad took me to see Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. Like ...
Video game adaptations have performed incredibly well over the past few years. The latest additions to the genre include ...
He was captured by a Latvian battalion, who gave him a uniform and a gun and made him their child mascot. The Jewish Nazi? is ...
Adam Driver stars in Megalopolis as an idealistic architect attempting to rebuild New York as an American Utopia, with the ...
From gripping dramas and intriguing documentaries to heartwarming comedies, explore the selection of our new favorite TV ...
From Batman & Robin to Samurai Cop, these cheesy '90s action flicks might be bad, but they sure are entertaining.
The release of “Star Wars” was nearly 50 years ago and has become one of the most iconic pop-culture franchises in cinema.
From early black-and-white classics to modern blockbusters, the creation and use of fake blood have been a pivotal part of ...
Morgan Rowan shared her story of surviving an attack by San Antonio-born serial killer Rodney Alcala in a book, and is now ...