Premier David Eby said B.C. has already responded to an urgent request for new information from Ottawa on the issue of ...
While the change in classification won’t change Tennessee laws or remove it from the list of controlled substances, TN ...
Addictions Minister Ya'ara Saks said she needs more information from British Columbia before she can make a decision about ...
Moving marijuana to Schedule III, as the DEA plans to do, leaves federal pot prohibition essentially untouched.
Veteran defense attorney Jay Clark said Ohio has always separated marijuana and its penalties from other Schedule I drugs.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is moving toward reclassifying marijuana as a less dangerous drug.
The Biden administration plans to remove marijuana from a list of the most dangerous and highly regulated drugs, the ...
“A move in the right direction because they are being placed with much worse criminals that are doing much worse things and ...
The election year announcement could help Biden, a Democrat, boost flagging support, particularly among younger voters.
The son of Priscilla Presley opens up to ET about sharing his addiction struggles to help kids stay away from drugs.
With the recent revelation that marijuana will likely be demoted from a Schedule I to a Schedule III drug, Michigan marijuana ...