A temperature rise of 3C would shrink GDP by 10%, but curbing climate change would avoid most of the economic damage, ...
Global warming is undeniable, yet recent winters have witnessed record-breaking, extreme cold temperatures in unexpected ...
IT started raining in the UK in the middle of October and hasn’t really stopped since. The ground is sodden. Rivers have ...
Though oil companies do a lot more than other businesses to contribute to global warming, Shell thinks it’s doing just enough ...
The stretch of record-breaking temperatures on Earth continues as the planet experiences its 10th consecutive record-breaking ...
California and Norway have signed a new partnership to increase their commitment to fighting climate change. Governor Gavin ...
The first global bleaching event was in 1998 and the fourth is now under way. Until we curb the emissions driving global ...
Antarctic sea ice has not yet exhibited a statistically significant overall decline, though an array of evidence shows Earth ...
Of the various climate factors analyzed, increases in average monthly temperature have the strongest effect on food prices, ...
It is a huge bill hanging over people’s lives and the global financial system. And it looks destined to trigger an almighty fight over who should pay up. Homeowners are one candidate. But if you look ...
Follow the science” has been a leading phrase used by non-scientists to assure us of the legitimacy of the “green” agenda.
UN climate chief Simon Stiell on Wednesday warned G20 nations  their economies face decimation and they must overcome ...