Eta Aquarid, meteor shower
The Geminid meteor shower started around Dec. 4, NASA said in a blogpost, but the shower is predicted to grace the night sky for the next two weeks, and it will reach a peak — days when the most ...
While Oregonians rarely get a look at the phenomenal Geminid meteor shower in mid-December, we typically have ideal conditions for the popular Perseid meteor shower in mid-August. Each meteor ...
Here's everything we know about the Lyrid meteor shower, including the best time to view it and how the meteors originated.
After a three-month hiatus, shooting stars will finally return to the night sky on April 21-22, during the peak of the Lyrid meteor shower. WASHINGTON — The Lyrid meteor shower is underway.
WASHINGTON — The Lyrid meteor shower is underway. But with a nearly full moon in the sky during the peak, it might be tough to see clearly. The Lyrids occur every year in mid-to-late April.
From the year’s best meteor shower so far to some fabulous views of the moon, there will be plenty to see in the night sky in ...
The Eta Aquariid meteor shower is caused by debris from Halley’s Comet, according to We have a chance to see the ...