As this trial goes on, the defense team has adopted Trump's favored tactic of floating conspiracy theories to explain away ...
Some attendees at a recent rally for the former president had a hard time when pressed on some of their beliefs.
Emmy Russell has been one of the best stories on this season of “American Idol.” She is the granddaughter of country music ...
Electoral Commission survey finds 59% of respondents believe most politicians ‘only care about the interests of the rich and ...
Throughout his trial, Donald Trump’s legal defense has seemingly been tasked with feeding into his grandiose narratives, sometimes jeopardizing their main objective of averting a prison sentence for ...
Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, known for his love for video games, has shared his top picks with compelling storylines. What ...
In a close-door retreat to Republican donors over the weekend, Trump said: “These people are running a Gestapo administration ...
The wounds from the Easter Sunday Massacre linger, but within Sri Lankans’ resilience lies a beacon of hope, illuminating a ...
Is it barred from researching mass shootings? That's what presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said recently. Kennedy ...
Republican officials who believe in the legitimacy of elections have formed a group that's pushing back on the election lies ...
As representatives of Montana’s diverse and pluralistic Jewish communities, we are disappointed and offended to see hateful ...
For Republican donors who reportedly paid at least $40,000 to attend Saturday’s Mar-a-Lago event, it was no snap to take a ...