But already it has wrought devastation upon so many lives. The deaths of millions of birds and mammals around the globe in ...
Public health officials and scientists have been on high alert since the second-ever human infection of a “highly pathogenic” ...
The Biden administration said on Friday it will provide nearly $200 million to fight the spread of avian flu among dairy cows ...
Connecticut is more prepared to address bird flu than it was for COVID-19, experts say. But questions still remain about ...
More than 90 million cases have been reported in poultry, but only one person in the U.S. has been infected, officials said.
The most important tool in our arsenal is widespread testing, write Janika Schmitt and Michael Mina. We're not doing enough ...
Pigs are capable of harboring both human flu and bird flu, allowing the viruses to mix and match parts of their genetic ...
A new paper offers clues as to how the dolphin may have contracted the virus, and if other mammals in Florida waters are at ...
Could a global pandemic of bird flu, which has hit birds and cattle in the United States, spread widely to humans?
Location of receptors that flu viruses can attach to in cows may help explain pattern of illness in H5N1 bird flu outbreak in ...
The strain called bird flu is an influenza A virus and gets its name ... This has been the only confirmed human case in the U ...
Pigs are capable of harboring both human flu and bird flu, allowing the viruses to mix and match parts of their genetic ...