Every time there is a study, or survey, released about the “Drunkest (fill in the blank) in America, Wisconsin will rank at, ...
Women who consume eight or more alcoholic drinks a week are significantly more likely to develop heart disease than those who ...
Chuck Haga had a long career at the Grand Forks Herald and the Minneapolis Star Tribune before retiring in 2013. He can be ...
Researchers warn against the rising trend of college students turning to energy drinks to stay productive throughout the day.
North Carolina counties were ranked based on the percentage of adults who reported binge drinking or heavy drinking.
Binge drinking is defined by t he CDC as four ... According to the article, 20.97% of the New Hanover County population are excessive drinkers. Here's the full list of the top 10 booziest North ...
Binge drinking for women is defined as consuming ... In Europe and North America a large proportion of women are drinkers who are drinking much more than in the past. 'It is likely this will ...
Researchers from the University of Manchester analysed coroners' court records from 2019 to 2021. Their analysis showed 46 ...
Pun intended. Don’t get me wrong, my alarm isn’t centered solely in Wisconsin. Utah County, Utah, where 9.04% are binge drinkers, boasts the lowest number in the country. However, that is still 63,000 ...