The number of tourists visiting Antarctica has been steadily increasing each year as the continent grapples with climate ...
The hole in the Antarctic ice was comparable in size to numerous US states, such as West Virginia, Maryland, Hawaii, ...
Jennifer Garner opened up about her parents' passion for travel on the podcast 'Kelly Corrigan Wonders: About Your Mother' ...
Scientists find evidence that meltwater is fracturing ice shelves in Antarctica A group of scientists who placed instruments ...
India is collaborating with like-minded nations to advocate for regulated tourism in Antarctica, as the escalating influx of ...
Panaji: Perplexed about the rapid loss of ice cover in the Antarctic region, scientists from the National Centre for Polar ...
Scientists first discovered the mysterious hole in the 1970s, but questions have remained about how it formed.
Recent incidents of warm air breaching the belt of super-chilled air over Antarctica and leading to a sharp rise in ...
As climate change warms the poles, precious Antarctic meteorites will melt their way down out of scientists’ reach ...
A pair of Antarctic explorers helped us nail down the essentials for the perfect Antarctica packing list. Here's everything ...
Over the past few weeks, pro-Palestinian protests have taken place at several different college campuses across the U.S.
Princess unveiled its South America and Antarctica cruise program including a 53-night Ultimate Antarctica & South America ...