Gov. Kelly and Legislature Republicans reached a compromise on tax reform, proposing a two-rate income tax system. The deal falls short of GOP tax cut expectations. It includes exemptions for ...
A report published by a Native American-led nonprofit examines in detail the dispossession of Indigenous homelands in ...
Law enforcement officers from Arizona and other states this week lobbied Congress against a proposal to allow much heavier ...
Voters will decide almost 60 contested primaries for the U.S. House of Representatives and both chambers of the Oklahoma ...
To deal with a reported record number of border crossings, House Republicans recently held a subcommittee hearing — in North Dakota. That may seem odd, with the federal government and many southern ...
Many of the efforts to roll back DEI initiatives in states have the same roots as a campaign against critical race theory ...
Two Ohio lawmakers want to call a constitutional convention, and to avoid a so-called "runaway" convention, they're proposing ...
After coming to America in 2021, Yoel Diaz and his wife, Marissa Diaz, have been documenting his journey in the U.S., ...
President Joe Biden announced his intent to nominate the following individuals to serve as key leaders in his administration: ...
The contest between Rep. Bob Good and his challenger, state Sen. John McGuire, is the second most expensive primary in the ...
President William Ruto has joined other world leaders at the Group of Seven (G7) summit of the world's biggest economies in ...