Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare begins preparing for Hurricane Season in May. They work to keep people safe before, during ...
More sunshine is in the forecast on Monday with afternoon pop-up thunderstorms expected, especially in the Big Bend. Highs ...
An overnight shooting in Ohio left one person dead and two dozen injured on Saturday. Police said the shooting happened just ...
At least one officer was killed and five others injured in a Phoenix, Arizona-area shooting. One of the injured was another ...
Hundreds of neighbors took a break from storm recovery to attend TallyFest 2024 in Cascades Park Saturday. Watch the video to hear from people who attended and see what the celebration is all about.
Rotarians from around the Tallahassee area are volunteering to help neighbors recover from the May 10 tornado. ' ...
The Wakulla County coast is vulnerable to storm surge during hurricanes. County leaders have an evacuation plan in place ...
If you can't evacuate ahead of a hurricane, there are steps you can take in your home to shelter in place. Find a room with ...
Generators can keep the power to your home or business on during a storm, but there are steps you need to take to avoid ...
In Thomasville, contractors will initiate work along Stewart Street on June 3 to install new stormwater drainage, leading to ...
Able Artists Gallery has been closed since the May 10 tornado left its building beyond repair. The gallery is set to reopen ...
There's a new mentorship initiative in Bainbridge with a mission to guide young ladies and girls from the ages of 12 to 21 ...