It’s somehow typical of the Welsh National Opera I’ve known now for the best part of sixty years that it should confront its ...
The self-drive of 21st century music-making makes “entry” into the world seem superficially easy but recording is only the ...
Powell and Pressburger’s least remembered Forties film is shrouded in Blitz darkness, deepening in the warped flat where ...
Born in Cape Town in 1948, Gavin Jantjes grew up under apartheid. He openly criticised the regime in his work and, forced ...
A small mountain village, tucked away in the foothills of the Rif Mountains, south-east of Tangier. The “smallest music ...
London’s non-professional orchestra sector is an undervalued asset to the city, and deserves more attention. And so last ...
Scott Turow published his cunningly-wrought legal thriller in 1987, and Alan J Pakula’s powerful movie version, starring ...
How can it be part of God’s plan to allow so much pain and suffering in the world, asks Sigmund Freud (Anthony Hopkins) of a ...
Why would anyone want to stage a work like The Merry Widow in this day and age? Silly question. It’s the music, stupid. Of ...
Benjamin Brewer’s post-apocalyptic, Nic Cage-starring creature feature finds a sombre interest in fatherhood and growing up ...
Launching a four-year global project to proclaim the genius of Frederick Ashton might seem unnecessary. His work is the ...
Jhene Aiko, Tinashe, SZA, H.E.R., Mahalia: these are radical artists, each making fascinating music that generates billions ...