Forging a competitive path”, we are launching a series of articles analysing the keys to strengthening the EU's ...
Find out more about methods and techniques to boost your creativity. Check out these 10 methods to boost your creativity.
In addition to the features mentioned above, smart production will serve to implement precision agriculture thanks to the ...
It’s 6:30 and I’m getting into the car to head to Distrito Telefónica in Madrid, my workplace. It’s an incredible place, full ...
Meet Raúl Córdoba, expert in Digital Transformation Governance. Discover his professional career and personal vision.
More than 200 guests have celebrated Telefónica´s 100th year anniversary at the residence of the Spanish Ambassador to ...
Telefónica Tech launches its ‘Business Applications’ service in Spain to help organisations optimise their processes.
Find out more about technology and innovation, and whether they are enough to make countries prosperous. Read.
Cyber-attacks attempts and the specificity with which hackers operate is a global scourge. The big challenge is to mitigate ...
Sport undoubtedly fosters positive relationships between colleagues and more productive teamwork. It favors the inclusion of ...
The 2024 edition of World Environment Day focuses on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience, on a day that ...
In the Telefónica District we find a great biodiversity of animals. We will be describing them from the less visible ones, such as annelids, through crustaceans, to the most visible and audible ones, ...