Physician assistants (PAs) in the US enjoyed an average 6% gain in compensation in 2023. A Medscape report also shows their pay at different ages and happiness with earnings.
Liver transplantation in patients with ACLF 2 and 3 can improve survival compared with that in those with decompensated ...
The B-cell–depleting treatment rituximab was associated with a twofold increased risk for infection in RRMS, regardless of ...
Adding abemaciclib to an aromatase inhibitor improved overall survival in HR+/HER2− advanced breast cancer, but the benefit ...
At its annual meeting, the nation's largest doctor's group postpones acting on AI proposals but adopts policies on prior ...
Age-related changes among older women can open up more possibilities for an inaccurate diagnosis and potential inappropriate ...
Congenital disorders result from mutations in one or more genes, and patients with congenital pigment disorders need a thorough workup early in the diagnostic process, Elbuluk said, adding that many ...
Calcium channel blocker (CCB)-related edema is quite common in clinical practice and can effectively deter a clinician from continued prescription of these drugs. Its etiology relates to a ...
The diagnosis of hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection is based on the detection of anti-HAV IgM. Shortcomings of this serological approach include the persistence of IgM after normalization of liver ...
Acute colonic ileus or Ogilvie's syndrome is an acute nonmechanical colonic obstruction with an unclear pathophysiology. This motility disorder generally occurs in elderly patients with serious ...
AANS 2024 Deep Brain Stimulation an Option for Chronic Low Back Pain? Early results from a trial of DBS as a potential treatment for chronic low back pain suggest the procedure was effective with ...
[A study on the application of cross-frequency coupling characteristics of neural oscillation in the diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment].