Repercussions could range from withholding degrees until students issue apology letters or take mandatory classes on civil discourse to suspension or expulsion.
The projectile was "coming from the east," according to the IDF, with earlier reports indicating it originated in Iraq.
Sources briefed on a U.S. congressional investigation say the files may have been shared to advance the American diplomat's efforts regarding Iran.
The Israeli military published internal records appearing to confirm earlier reports about the suspected robberies.
She "engaged in behavior that disrupted the university's business operations and encouraged students to do the same." ...
There is one aspect of Christianity that Jews, if we are to be honest, must reject, and that Christians, most notably Pope John XXIII, have also begun to reject. It is the concept of rejection itself, ...
Jack Eugene Carpenter III, 41, of Tipton, Michigan, who was indicted on March 10 for making threats against Jewish government officials in Michigan on Twitter, has been found not competent to stand ...
Some very courageous women who have faced unspeakable tragedy during the current war, are joining the swim this year, as well as a group of young women from Sadnat Shiluv, who are a source of inspi ...
A Montreal yeshiva housed in a synagogue was targeted with gunfire early Tuesday morning. An unidentified suspect fired four bullets at 3:35 am through the front door at the Belz Yeshiva Ketana, ...
After the defense ministry refused in recent months to carry out the agreement signed by the prime minister, finance minister, and defense minister that conditioned approval of a revised 2024 budget ...
"As Nikki Haley tours occupied Palestinian territories and inscribes messages on bombs belonging to the Zionist regime, that same regime has cut off internet access in Rafah." ...
Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Arieh King noted,"They’re building illegal buildings, they have petrol stations in places they’re not allowed to have." ...