The agreement, according to German media, includes a monetary condition of €200,000 ($217,820), with the player not found ...
Intense heat waves in recent years offer a stark warning of what’s at stake for humanity and particularly the vulnerable ...
Political opponents accused Sunak of 'a total dereliction of duty' by skipping a major international ceremony.
The 12-year-old plant in Thailand’s Rayong province, southeast of Bangkok, has an annual production capacity of 60,000 units.
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said on Friday that the government hopes relevant parties will keep aiming for the full ...
With a busy foreign-policy agenda awaiting him, Modi is expected to hit the ground running right after he is sworn in.
The Saitama Institute of Technology will introduce the major next April, aiming to nurture engineers knowledgeable in ...
Japan's parliament on Friday enacted a bill to revise the swords and firearms control law to ban acts of explaining online ...
Even as Prime Minister Modi and the BJP claimed a historic third term, voters recognized the need for moderation in some of ...
The EU vote comes at a time of major geopolitical instability, almost two and a half years into Russia's war on Ukraine.
Roberto Martinez has given Cristiano Ronaldo his full backing since taking over as Portugal coach, and he will be hoping that ...
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Friday instructed his government to quickly draw up possible legislation to introduce an ...