In 1990, cavers in southwestern France reopened a cave that had long ago been closed off by a landslide. More than 350 yards inside the feature, which they named Bruniquel, they found strange ...
WASHINGTON, D.C.—According to a report in The Guardian, Ian Christie-Miller, a former visiting research fellow at London University, examined a first draft of slaveowner George Mason’s 1776 Virginia ...
While digging beneath the transept of Paris’ Notre Dame Cathedral, archaeologists from the French National Institute of Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP) recovered two lead sarcophagi.
According to a Witchita Eagle report, a metal detectorist on the Isle of Man discovered a silver ingot thought to be about ...
The researchers then combined the genetic data, carbon dates, and archaeological information to determine that horses were domesticated some 4,200 years ago on the steppes of what is now southwestern ...
According to a statement released by the University of Basel, an international team of scientists has analyzed proteins ...
According to a Science in Poland report, the graves of more than 200 monkeys, dogs, cats, and calves have been recently unearthed by an international team of researchers led by Marta Osypińska of the ...
GRONINGEN, THE NETHERLANDS—According to a statement released by Antiquity, new dates and stable isotope analysis for the bones of cattle, sheep, and pigs from the Swifterbant site indicate that ...