An exiled Iranian opposition group and activists on Saturday slammed as shameful Sweden's freeing in an apparent swap for two ...
Hezbollah on Saturday kept up retaliatory attacks on military positions in northern Israel, and one person was killed in ...
Israel bombed and shelled Gaza on Saturday, witnesses and first responders said, with fallout from the war bringing a ...
Vast crowds of Muslims gathered for hours under the hot sun atop Mount Arafat Saturday for the high point of the annual hajj ...
More than 1.5 million Muslims braved extreme heat to reach Mount Arafat on Saturday for the high point of the annual hajj ...
As part of its policy to build regional alliances, Tehran has been seeking to dissuade Azerbaijan against its warming ties ...
India refuses to be restricted by its former Cold War commitments; as with any other power or wannabe power, only ...
Sudan’s civil war is now well into its second year, and alongside forcing the population to the brink of famine, warring ...
Iran and Sweden announced a prisoner exchange on Saturday that saw a former Iranian official released in Sweden in exchange ...
The Treasury Department said three of the sanctioned individuals were part of a human-smuggling network operating in Turkey.
Bad weather has once again thwarted the Biden administration's attempt to stave off famine in the Palestinian enclave.
The Israeli prime minister is in no rush for a showdown with the right over the Gaza Strip as attention shifts to Hezbollah.