I started writing for The Indypendent because I found out the paper was mostly staffed by volunteers and figured they couldn’t afford to reject me. Despite my bachelor’s degree in journalism, I felt ...
While the guards got in their steps and the admins fired off emails, we held classes on Zoom. It’s hard to imagine the challenges of a sudden switch to remote learning… if you spent 2020 and 2021 in a ...
At The Indy, I discovered that you don’t have to be a “professional” journalist to do journalism.
A member of the faculty at the City College of New York describes how the school became the Fenced University of New York ...
I work for the City Parks Department in urban ecology, maintaining tree canopies and other natural areas in the large parks on the edges of the five boroughs. Our work feels like an invisibilized ...
Almost from the start, readers of Anastasia Zadeik’s intense and poignant second novel, The Other Side of Nothing, will have an inkling that this story ends in tragedy. As the mystery unfolds, the two ...
Protest organizers say the police were the real ‘outside agitators.' Amba Guerguerian May 23 When several thousand Palestinians and their allies gathered Saturday at the intersection of Fifth and ...
In 1971, during his visit to Israel, Herbert Marcuse participated in a confidential conversation in which the then Minister of Defense, Moshe Dayan, admitted that Israel established its state in Arab ...
The good reverend sends in a dispatch from the opening week of a national tour he is on with Neil Young and Crazy Horse. Reverend Billy Talen May 17 Reverend Billy & the Church of Stop Shopping Choir ...
Naomi Klein on why Jews should embrace their radical heritage and leave behind Zionism’s false promise of safety at the expense of others. Naomi Klein May 17 I’ve been thinking about Moses and his ...