Zeus and other ancient gods from various mythologies may be rooted in earlier Proto-Indo-European beliefs in a "sky father" ...
The Frappe and the Freddo are more than just iced coffee drinks in Greece: they are a lifestyle! Greeks love to have iced ...
Most historians believe that the Greek Dark Ages followed the Mycenaean Era of Greece, but some disagree. What does the ...
Moreover, modern Greece does not claim any special status as the heir to Rome. While Greeks are certainly proud of their ...
A 100-foot 'Walking Tree,' acclaimed as New Zealand's Tree of the Year, looks like Middle-earth's Ents from the Lord of the ...
A study shows how internet addiction changes brain chemistry in adolescents, leading to addictive behaviors and developmental ...
The possibility of a high abstention rate at the election for the European Parliament has been a major concern for in Greece.
Although medicine and healing were important in ancient Greece, anti-aging may have been considered unnatural by the ancient ...
The story of a Greek Orthodox monk who established 19 monasteries in North America is an epic of devotion to his faith.
Meet 'Hobbit,' the extinct human relative scientifically known as Homo floresiensis. Researchers created the first ever 3D image of a Hobbit.
Thucydides’s account, History of the Peloponnesian War, is considered a classic, as well as being one of the earliest known ...
New CCTV footage appears to show missing British TV presenter Michael Mosley less than half an hour after he left the beach ...