While Israel says it detains only suspected militants, many patients have turned out to be non-combatants taken during raids, ...
Two Lebanese shepherds were killed in an Israeli strike that hit their house in the town of Houla near the Lebanon-Israel ...
Parachutists jumped from World War II-era planes into now peaceful Normandy to kick off a week of ceremonies marking the 80th ...
Halla Tomasdottir, a businesswoman and investor, has won Iceland's presidential election, topping a crowded field of ...
Ukraine has imposed emergency power shutdowns in most of the country a day after Russia unleashed large-scale attacks on energy infrastructure and claimed it made gains in the eastern Donetsk province ...
South Africa’s African National Congress party will not consider any demands from possible coalition partners that President ...
A shooting on a street in Akron, Ohio, killed one man and wounded 26 other people early Sunday morning, according to reports by local news outlets.
A Chinese spacecraft landed on the far side of the moon Sunday to collect soil and rock samples that could provide insights ...
Sunday’s Child is a weekly column featuring a child or teen currently in foster care awaiting adoption. What Pedroia has in ...
A backlog, which has reached 150,000 cases in Massachusetts, continues to congest immigration courts here and across the ...
A local wildlife rehabilitation center had called Murray’s team earlier that morning to report a small cut on its upper back.
Union ironworker Billy Vietze used to clean windows for high-rises and do other construction-related jobs. The hard physical ...