The peril of being a beer geek is that even unconnected questions can take you down a beer-related rabbit hole. We were ...
The Vulcan is a Cardiff pub that’s been relocated to a museum. Is this a good way to preserve pubs or just another way of ...
The Vulcan is a Cardiff pub that’s been relocated to a museum. Is this a good way to preserve pubs or just another way of destroying them? The Vulcan reopened for business at St Fagans National Museum ...
Watney’s brewery might have disappeared but its brand lives on in the collective memory and people often ask “What is that ...
Watney’s brewery might have disappeared but its brand lives on in the collective memory and people often ask “What is that font?” The post-war Watney’s brand identity was created by the Design ...
The East Bristol Brewery Trail is a wonderful idea but what puts us off is the crowds. So we decided to do our own version on ...
The East Bristol Brewery Trail is a wonderful idea but what puts us off is the crowds. So we decided to do our own version on a quiet random weekend. On the last EBBT weekend, at the start of May, we ...
The Square & Compass at Worth Matravers in Dorset has a reputation as one of the best pubs in the country. And guess what? It is. We got there the long way round: a bus from Poole to Swanage and then ...
Every Saturday we round up the most interesting and insightful writing about beer from the past week. This time we’ve got women in beer, the business of brewing, and Jever. First, some insight.
UK beer blog running since 2007, with tasting notes, beer history, pub reports and commentary on British booze culture, by Jessica and Ray.