TEL AVIV, Israel — Israel’s prime minister on Saturday called a permanent cease-fire in Gaza a “nonstarter" until long-standing conditions for ending the war are met, appearing to undermine a proposal ...
militant group bombarded villages in southern and eastern Lebanon on Saturday after attacks inside northern Israel, sources ...
During the rally, people also thanked United States President Joe Biden for his speech which called on the Israeli government ...
Lebanese men inspect a destroyed house that was hit on Friday night by an Israeli airstrike, killing one woman and wounding ...
Qatari, Egyptian and US mediators called on Israel and Hamas Saturday to “finalize” the truce deal outlined by US President ...
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has suspended its work in Rafah ...
BEIRUT (AP) — The militant Hezbollah group said it shot down an Israeli drone over southern Lebanon on Saturday, after hours ...
The militant Hezbollah group said it shot down an Israeli drone over southern Lebanon and fired rockets at an Israeli military base on Saturday, hours after Israeli drone strikes killed at least one ...