The South African sprinter retained his unbeaten status in the 100m this year by clocking a superb season’s best of 9.94 ...
Getting your Trinity Audio player ready... Community members are invited to join the Juneteenth Committee, the City of Port ...
That year, the Governor in Georgia announced all the things that the state was not going to allow African-Americans to do in Georgia, and Lewis decided that it was time for him to leave. Deacon ...
Refugees from all over the globe are coming to the US through the Texas border. This war could be why the Congo is number one ...
One of the most-closely watched primaries of this election cycle in South Carolina is the race between Sen. Dick Harpootlian, ...
Jones is an American Israel Public Affairs Committee alum and has previously served as the national African American constituency director for AIPAC. AIPAC has strongly supported Bowman’s primary ...
The progressive journalist Thomas Frank wrote a much-discussed book in 2004 titled, “What’s the Matter with Kansas?” Right now, some other like-minded journalist might be thinking of writing a book ...
Jane was also a civil rights activist in the 1960’s and 1970’s where she re-established a Center for African-Americans in Jacksonville, FL and received a Race Relations Award from Grace Missionary ...
Earning her bachelor’s degree from the University of California at Riverside was surreal for Angelina Chavez, the culmination ...
If approved by the panel, a segment of Dayton Street between Fair Oaks and Raymond avenues, covering Central Park in Old Town ...
Rep. Patty Kim has proposed a bill that would require the commonwealth to develop curriculum on Asian American and Pacific Islander history.
Exhibit changes narrative of Black glamour and couture Historical depictions of African Americans, and people throughout the ...