Trump has said that he will extend all of them if he wins in ... High interest rates are also making it harder for the U.S.
Republican Reps. Matt Gaetz and Thomas Massie have introduced a bill to eliminate taxes on tips, following former President Trump’s promise to do so if reelected.
As a result, it had less visibility during the budget process, leading to the first dip below ... Couture said that although ...
The Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday that it projects this year’s federal budget deficit to be $400 billion higher, a ...
Business Executives and Shareholder Representatives should be 100% behind Donald Trump!” the former president posted on his ...
Why is it that so many of my Republican friends and family members still believe that D. Trump is the answer to everything USA?? Am i wrong? Am I missing something? Didn't this man start an ...
A wave of illegal border crossings in recent years has sparked heated debate over U.S. immigration policy, but official ...
The Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday that it projects a federal budget deficit increase of $400 billion or 27% this ...
General Jens Stoltenberg announced that more NATO member states than originally expected were set to fulfil the 2% target of ...
Early pandemic stimulus legislation and executive orders added $3.6 trillion to the debt, according to the nonpartisan ...
The nation’s ballooning budget deficits remain in the spotlight in this year’s presidential election, as presumptive nominees ...
Donald Trump’s last national security adviser is calling on the Pentagon to deploy the “entire” Marine Corps to the Pacific ...