Jimmy Kimmel asked President Biden and former President Barack Obama about ex-President Donald Trump's claim to have done the ...
The Black community just let out a collective sigh after learning this weekend that there may never be another Obama in the White House again. The news was confirmed by former President Barack Obama ...
A Secret Service agent was robbed at gunpoint over the weekend in California, according to the Tustin Police Department.
David Axelrod said on Monday that Biden needs to be "on the offense" in order to make his case against Donald Trump when the two debate later this month.
Former President Donald Trump was welcomed by Pastor Lorenzo Sewell of 180 Church in Detroit this past weekend during a ...
Officials say a U.S. Secret Service agent was robbed at gunpoint during President Biden's fundraising visit to Los Angeles.
Voters aren’t buying the explanations from the White House or the Biden campaign for the 81-year-old president’s daily ...
A United States Secret Service agent was robbed at gunpoint in Tustin over the weekend shortly after President Joe Biden held ...
President Biden is planning to announce a sweeping new policy that would lift the threat of deportation for tens of thousands ...
The White House and former President Obama’s teams disputed the characterization that President Biden froze up on stage at a ...