Neutron stars are some of the densest objects in the universe, with intense gravitational fields—but not as intense as black ...
When stars collapse, they can leave behind incredibly dense but relatively small and cold remnants called neutron stars. If ...
Astronomers then conducted more observations at NOIRLab’s Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile. CPD-29 2176 is ...
Researchers have produced high-density “plasma fireballs” on Earth, recreating conditions that naturally occur around black ...
Could neutron stars hold the key to unlocking the secrets of dark matter? A new study suggests this possibility, showing how ...
Fast radio bursts erupt in the sky around 10,000 times a day, but scientists still struggle to explain them. New research ...
(Nanowerk News) When stars collapse, they can leave behind incredibly dense but relatively small and cold remnants called neutron stars. If two stars collapse in close proximity, the leftover binary ...
It’s been more than three and a half years since Hollywood was left speechless after learning of allegations about one of its ...
Observing gravitational waves from neutron stars as they glitch could help us understand these exotic stellar remnants.
New data revises our view of this unusual supernova explosion. A team of scientists used NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to ...
More-or-less all elements heavier than helium were produced in the 13.8 billion years between the Big Bang and the present ...
Astronomers have detected a mysterious radio signal emanating from deep space that repeats itself every 53.8 minutes and they ...