"Although skin involvement occurs in more than 80% of patients, it is pleomorphic and may resemble a variety of other conditions," Dr Edward W. Cowen said.
Adhering to the Planetary Health Diet significantly reduces the risk of premature death and environmental impact, including lowered rates of major diseases and reduced greenhouse gas emissions and ...
A new smart trap using artificial intelligence will be used to track mosquitoes that spread malaria in Africa, and it came ...
Arkansas and Missouri are among the top five states in the nation with the highest number of smoking-related cancer deaths.
Opioid overdoses for pregnant patients are at an all-time high in the United States, even as overall numbers are improving.
Specially trained service dogs helped ease PTSD symptoms in U.S. military veterans in a small study that the researchers hope ...
For more than a decade, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) in the National Institutes of Health has produced a strong case that substance use disorder is a bona fide brain disease and not ...
The JMS Burn Center is the first in the world to use a new regenerating skin cell technology to help burn and wound patients.
New research points to a potential approach to reducing the risk of diabetes associated with widely prescribed antipsychotic medications. The study presents early evidence in support of ...
Researchers have identified inherited genetic variants that may predict the loss of one copy of a woman's two X chromosomes ...
E. coli infections linked to lakes, waters highlights the need to be cautious of bacterial and other potential causes of ...
That’s not my diagnosis. That’s the recommendation of our own federal National Institutes of Health. The problem is widespread, the gender and racial treatment disparities are stark, and the ...