Time to dust off the boxes and find that once-cherished toy from your childhood. For collectors and enthusiasts, they items ...
When Bruce Zalkin, a 59-year-old New York native who has lived in Florida since 1976, looks at even the earliest editions of ...
One of my favorite places while recently visiting Lisbon was a charming little shop full of vintage dolls and toys: Hospital ...
Based on a novella by Henry James, this "arthouse epic" was rejected by the 2023 Cannes Film Festival – "for being too nuts?" ...
She is also survived by thousands of her adopted “children,” the dolls she collected, who will hopefully find good homes soon. She was also passionate about domestic and international travel, trying ...
The 1960s was an iconic era with many technical, social, and cultural changes. Music was innovative, fashion was bold, and ...
Upon seeing the San Francisco Police Department’s surveillance video footage of a “person of interest” in racist, threatening ...
A video on TikTok has gone viral after a woman from Alabama showcased her extensive collection of toys that features over 50 ...
Taito will release dolls that look like Hatsune Miku wearing a lolita dress in its crane games. You'll be able to try for her ...
At the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association’s upcoming garden party this weekend for its new “Barbie – All Dolled ...
Mom was an avid collector of dolls, and was featured in newspaper articles as well as appearances at Nursing Homes and Senior Citizen Centers with exhibits of her dolls. She loved to cook and sew.