Two of Cervoni’s favorites include Kousa dogwood, which is more disease resistant than native dogwood, and redbud trees (seen ...
• Stellar Pink: This is another Rutgers hybrid, blooming pink from May into June with the rounded petals like Eastern dogwood ...
Our master gardener loves the classic look of peonies in the garden. To amp up their showiness, plant them as companions ...
The U.S. Forest Service adds that certain types of trees — specifically hardwoods including oak, hickory, apple, birch or ...
Residents strolling through parts of the Midwest and Southeastern U.S. might be curious about an increasingly common sight ...
Residents strolling through parts of the Midwest and Southeastern U.S. might be curious about an increasingly common sight ...
The National Weather Service is sending a team to survey damage from Thursday night and overnight storms in East Texas.
“For instance,” said Lauren, “Crepe Myrtles were status symbols for the upper class since they were much harder to procure than our native shrubs like Dogwood and Redbud trees, which were ...
Jones said that a variety of native plants adds to the biodiversity and creates a stronger system all around us.
“For instance,” said Lauren, “Crepe Myrtles were status symbols for the upper class since they were much harder to procure than our native shrubs like Dogwood and Redbud trees, which were ...
Wherever you live, we've got just the white blooming trees that your landscape needs this summer ... Seven to ten The Kousa ...