Earth’s uppermost surface could help us solve the mystery of a lifetime- the existence or nonexistence of dark matter- a ...
After six years of wandering West Virginia’s wasteland, Fallout 76 players will soon have the option to give in to the ...
Mysterious dark matter could slosh over our planet like a wave. If it does, it may produce telltale radio waves in Earth's ...
The failure of Congress to extend the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act is yet another sign of dysfunction in government.
She helped a dying astronaut connect with his wife and daughter before he died of radiation poisoning in space, she had to ...
Primordial black holes are reevaluated with quantum field theory, exploring their origins in the vast early universe.
The radiation compensation program will end on Monday after the U.S. House failed to vote on reauthorizing and extending the aid.
What is dark matter? That question is prominent in discussions about the nature of the universe. There are many proposed ...
Don Davis, D-North Carolina. It would require the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to “revise its regulations to protect ...
Thanks to a peaking solar cycle, spectacular auroras will likely appear again in the lower 48 soon. Our expert’s advice will ...