More than 8 in 10 (83%) Americans say it’s important for businesses to avoid a major pay gap between CEOs and average ...
Bosses have always made more money than workers. But the gap between CEOs and employees is growing. The median CEO in the S&P ...
That gap has become a cause for global concern as well. CEO-worker pay gaps in the United States, as data in a new Altrata ...
President Joe Biden and other leaders of the G7 nations met in Italy today and agreed on a plan to provide a $50 billion loan ...
Ikea’s workers were quitting in droves in the US. In the UK and Ireland, half of all new hires were leaving before their ...
For CEOs, the annual pay hike amounted to $1.5 million. For instance, 70% of those aged 18 to 29 say companies are doing a poor job in avoiding a major pay gap between CEOs and average employees.
To put it another way: The annual pay hike amounted to about $4,300 for workers. For CEOs, it was an extra $1.5 million. Those findings are likely frustrating to employees grappling with high ...
For CEOs, the annual pay hike amounted to $1.5 million. Taxing excessive CEO pay? The Gallup survey found little difference between generations on the CEO pay issue. For instance, 70% of those ...