Girls and young women freed from Boko Haram terrorists in northeast Nigeria continue to suffer severe hardships, including ...
Amnesty International says in a new report that dozens of women and young girls have been unlawfully detained and abused in ...
YAOUNDE, June 14 (Xinhua) -- At least one Cameroonian soldier was killed and four others were injured after terrorist group Boko Haram attacked a military outpost in the country's Far North region, ...
Many survivors of Boko Haram told Amnesty that they witnessed Boko Haram killing their relatives. One young woman, named as CB in the report, said she was abducted at around age 13 in 2014.
A new report by rights group Amnesty International accuses Nigeria's military of inhumane treatment toward women and girls who survived Boko Haram. Nigerian defense authorities reject the report's ...
Some passengers travelling along the Maiduguri/Kano highway have been kidnapped by suspected Boko Haram insurgents. Reports ...
(CNN) — Girls and young women freed from Boko Haram terrorists in northeast Nigeria continue to suffer severe hardships, including unlawful military detention, neglect, and inadequate support ...
Amnesty International (AI) and the Defence Headquarters are in disagreement regarding the alleged maltreatment of female ...
Human rights activist, Deji Adeyanju, has reacted to the warning given to Nigerians by the Department of State Service (DSS) ...