Scattered Spider member arrested in Spain. Group evolves tactics, targets SaaS apps for data theft. FBI prepares charges ...
A 22-year-old man from the United Kingdom arrested this week in Spain is allegedly the ringleader of Scattered Spider, a ...
The number of alleged hacks targeting the customers of cloud storage firm Snowflake appears to be snowballing into one of the ...
An FBI staffer punished for harboring so-called “conspiratorial” views about the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot has regained his security clearance as part of a settlement with the bureau — and ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — A former FBI employee who accused the bureau of politicizing its work when he testified to Congress has seen his security clearance restored, his lawyers said Tuesday.
The director addressed the recent budget cuts to the bureau’s 2024 budget, saying the budget comes in “almost $500 million below what the FBI needs just to sustain our 2023 efforts ...