Pro-Palestinian activists demanding an end to the war in Gaza and to American support for Israel plan to surround the White House during a weekend protest, prompting additional security measures, incl ...
House Republicans are speeding ahead with plans to pass spending bills for fiscal year 2025 on an aggressive timetable — and ...
The number of migrants caught illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border dropped on Friday, a senior U.S. border official told Reuters, saying it signaled a restrictive new Biden administration policy ...
Another hotter-than-expected employment report Friday buffeted Joe Biden's labor-market performance, with 15.6 million more ...
...Three Implies Chaos 第三階段以物理轉化的混沌數學為底氣 美國新戰略旨在削弱俄羅斯和中國在網路空間的影響力New US strategy looks to blunt Russian and Chinese influence ...
買不起房不只是台北人的痛,美國年輕世代現在也為此所苦。高房價和高房貸利率迫使許多美國人成為「無殼蝸牛」,根據紐約聯邦儲備銀行上個月的調查,僅有40.1%的租屋者仍懷有著能在有生之年擁有自己房子的奢望。尋求連任的拜登深知美國住房危機的嚴重,進而推出一系 ...