Saurabh Netravalkar finished with figures of 4-0-18-2 and bowled in the Super Over, helping the USA beat Pakistan in the ...
It's part of Apple's Freedom Songs series celebrating Black jazz artists for Juneteenth and Black Music Month.
The International Labour Organization and the government of Turkmenistan have adopted a roadmap of cooperation detailing ...
Netravalkar is perhaps the biggest star in USA cricket. He also has a day job as a software engineer for one of the largest ...
How did professional golf's split come to life? Here's a timeline compiled by Bob Harig, from the initial reports of a rival league in January 2020 until now, o ...
Europe’s surging right-wing parties are poised to make big gains as voters across the European Union head to the polls in the ...
A progressive congressional PAC and left-wing political group rescinded their endorsements of Mondaire Jones on Wednesday ...
While President Biden is in Normandy, France for the 80th anniversary of D-Day, thousands gathered at the World War II ...
Biden and dozens of U.S. lawmakers traveled to Normandy to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion.
An attempt to reinforce Americans’ access to contraception failed Wednesday when U.S. Senate Republicans blocked a bill from ...
The two Missouri senators both cast votes against the measure that would have protected "an individual's ability to access ...
The proposed change could make it vastly more difficult for residents of states with abortion restrictions to obtain ...