The Texas conservative in recent weeks has played up his friendly side while occasionally falling back into his ...
He also agreed to publish false, damaging stories about Trump’s opponents. During the course of the campaign,Pecker published a story that Ted Cruz’s father was involved in the JFK assassination and ...
One focus was reproductive rights and new legislation Sen. Ted Cruz sponsored in the Senate that would virtually guarantee ...
So, look, it is certainly possible presidents do have family, they visit their family. So, I don't know, the frequency with ...
Colin Allred is making an unconventional move by launching an extensive television ad campaign months ahead of the November election. The Dallas Democrat’s early foray into television and digital ...
Ted Cruz was questioned about his decision to continue supporting former President Donald Trump despite the onslaught of ...
nicknaming him “Lyin’ Ted,” insulting his wife’s appearance and accusing Cruz’s father of helping to assassinate former President Kennedy. Cruz hit back at Trump at the time, and did not ...
A college diploma had been one honor that evaded Ted Thoeny, but on May 31, at the age of 90, he finally achieved his goal: ...
GOP Senator Marco Rubio's comparison of Trump's hush money trial to a communist Cuba "show trial" that led to executions is ...