There comes a point in every blueberry lover’s life (usually when you’re at the U-pick farm or the farmers market) where you think, “Why don’t we grow our own blueberries?” This thought leads to a ...
There are folks who feed the birds, and then there are folks who feed hummingbirds. I know quite a few people who have hummingbird feeders but not seed feeders. That’s because hummingbirds are in a ...
Spring has arrived in my little corner of the world, and it’s my absolute favorite season. The air is still fresh and cool, the birds are singing their little hearts out, and the rejuvenating rains ...
I’ve confessed it before, and I’ll say it again. No matter how much gardening experience I’m accumulating, I’ll always find pruning slightly intimidating. There’s something slightly unsettling about ...
Anyone who has been gardening for longer than a season can tell you that growing tomatoes is equal parts frustration and reward. Gardeners love to grow them, but they can be downright diva-like. It ...
Hey there, my name is Tracey. I’m the editor-in-chief here at Rural Sprout. Many of our readers already know me from our popular Sunday newsletters. (You are signed up for our newsletters, right?) ...
Let’s be brutally honest here; when it comes to gardening, there is often a lot of humble bragging and over-fertilized egos involved. “Oh, you aren’t entirely organic? Hmm. That’s…interesting.” “We ...
I’m a lazy gardener. I am, I’ll admit it. If something is going to double my cucumber harvest, but it takes too long to implement or involves a big setup or lots of tools and potions, I’ll pass. I’m ...
Perennials are a staple when it comes to adding visual interest and appeal to our outdoor living spaces. These trusty plants come back year after year, making them an easy-care choice over many ...
There’s nothing like the flavor of home-grown potatoes! Unfortunately, the high cost of seed potatoes can be an obstacle. When you consider the cost of a pound of seed spuds against the pounds you’ll ...