Even if voters approve a new one-cent transit sales tax, will Charlotte be able to deliver on its promise of two new commuter ...
The California state legislature is pushing back on Governor Newsom’s proposed budget, countering proposed cuts to active ...
Hotel-to-apartment conversion projects are leading the way in the adaptive reuse sector, according to a RentCafe report.
The Regional Cities Initiative funded economic development projects and capacity building to help local agencies collaborate ...
The financialization of housing uncouples housing prices from local supply and demand. Fixing this requires a new approach.
Cities are incentivizing more affordable housing types and limiting permits for short-term rentals in an effort to keep ...
Property owners argue that a new law protecting wildlife corridors amounts to an unconstitutional taking of property.
A Ninth Circuit court ruling forced Berkeley to reverse its ban on natural gas in new buildings, prompting other cities to ...
The City of San Francisco’s case against federal environmental regulators is going to the Supreme Court, reports Bob Egelko ...
A new Minnesota law outlines state registration of “roadable aircraft” and legalizes their use on state roads and highways.
A draft statewide flood plan for Texas estimates that one in six of the state’s residents — or over 5 million people — live ...
Two new laws require cities to permit ‘missing middle housing’ near city centers and ADUs on all single-family lots.